CRYBUBO is the next generation of online classifieds where everyone could buy, sell, offer goods and services for cryptocurrency. We would like to bring cryptocurrency to mass and show to people that tokens could be used in real life.


CRYBUBO is just a beginning of our ambition project.

What we are planning to do in close future:

1.           To create Crypto Bulletin Board with possibility to post ads from all around the world.

2.           To collect more information about ads location to split our platform by countries

3.           To integrate MetaMask wallet to CRYBUBO platform

4.           To create a smart contract for safe transaction between buyer and seller inside CRYBUBO.

5.           To issue our CBB token, which will be used on our platform for all transactions

What we are looking for:

1.           Community which will be fully involved in life of our project and will be the main driver & power of CRYBUBO.

2.           Talented and ambitious people for our CRYBUBO team

3.           Advisors

4.           Investors

Please don’t hesitate to CONTACT US in case you have any questions, suggestions or propositions.





